Multiple Representations
Multiple representations allow students to gain a deeper understanding.
Comparing multiple methods allows students make connections and use the most appropriate method with fluency.
Comparing different representations uncovers the structure of the mathematics and allows students to make generalisations.
Using Multiple Representations
Click the image to open the interactive representation in Desmos. You can edit this version and save it to your own account.
DO NOT WORRY ABOUT BREAKING IT! If you accidentally delete something or rescale it and cannot get it back simply come back to this page and click the image again.
Some representations have been embedded into this site. To open in full screen on Desmos, click edit graph on Desmos in the bottom right.
Minimise the control panel in Desmos for the best view (<<)
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Fractions, decimals and percentages are represented by a 100 grid, decimal number line, percentage number line and bar model. Instruction video link

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Percentage Increase and Decrease
Bar model, double number line and ratio table. Instruction video link.
Students often find it hard to visualise beyond 100% using bar models. A double number line allows students to compare % and decimals and links to ratio tables - see Multiplicative Reasoning.

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Multiply two digits by two digits
Multiply Decimals
The area model for decimals is represented alongside Dienes blocks. Drag the blocks over the area to clear up any misconceptions.
For example 0.31 x 0.2 = 0.62
The area above is covered by 6x0.01s and 2x0.001s not 6x0.1s and 2x0.01s.
0.31 x 0.2 = 0.062

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