Algebra Tiles and Graphs

Move the slider across the axis to change the value of x.  The green x bars will change position and size with the slider.  y = mx is also plotted on the axis with points on each integer value.

The x bar is red for negative values of x.

Students should be familiar with integers, base blocks and algebra tiles.

This representation shows x as a bar for -3<x<3.  This highlights the gradient.  

Change the gradient using the slider.

Students should be familiar with integers, base blocks and algebra tiles.

y = x + c

This version of the graph introduces c as a constant term.  Changing x allows students to see the difference between a variable and a constant.

Change the gradient and y intercept using the sliders.

This representation allows you to compare the bars, line and table of values.

Students should be familiar with integers, base blocks and algebra tiles.